
Constitutionalist. The Constitution limits government. Without a constitution, government can and will do as it pleases. It will enrich those in power and enslave the remainder.

If the Constitution becomes antiquated or out of date in some way, the Constitution provides a method for amendment. The people have amended the U.S. Constitution 27 times.

In the words of Justice Scalia, it is the plain meaning of the written word. The Court is not at liberty to “make law.” It is there to read the law and enforce the law as it is written. There is no “reach out” to some theory to correct some possible wrong, to try and find an end result outside of what has been written. The Court follows the constitutions of the U.S. and Texas. It reads and enforces the laws of the legislature. If the statutes conflict with the Constitution, then the Court nullifies that statute or a part of it for being unconstitutional.

Sometimes we think that the Constitution gives us “rights.” What it really does is say to government, “you (government) can’t do that.” You can’t make any law that abridges my right to free speech, or to meet with my friends in protest, or to interview with my prayers to my God, or to take away my right to defend my home and my neighborhood, or to arrest me without probably cause, or to examine my personal effects and papers without warrant. The Constitution limits government.


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